Introduction Letter

53 Autumn Ave

Brooklyn, New York 11208

February 2, 2020

Susan Delamare


160 Convent Ave 

New York, New York 10031

Dear Professor Delamare,

My name is Joe Jorge and I am an eighteen year old freshman from Brooklyn, New York. I am a Dominican American and pride myself in my academics as well as my morals and aspects like my culture. I have participated in activities during my high school career that have shaped said morals. These activities include sports such as football and track that taught me concepts like leadership, teamwork, and responsibility. I have also partaken in academic based activities such as the National Honors Society, which taught me the importance of getting good grades and how much you could benefit from them. I still carry these morals with me and will continue to, into whatever I choose to do after college.


I plan on majoring in engineering, but nothing specific in the field as of yet. As of right now, I am taking Environmental Geology in hopes to incorporate it into my engineering career when all is said and done. I want to eventually get my masters in an engineering field that is a necessity to the constantly advancing world we inhabit today, and become a key and driving force in the realm of innovation. As of right now, I have mostly short term goals that will help benefit myself. My main short term goal at the moment is getting myself a car since I have recently acquired my drivers license and quite frankly, the MTA is unreliable and a huge reason why students are late to their classes. A long term goal is to figure out the major I am going to be studying for the rest of my time in college, as this is an important step to my path to success. A dream of mine is to travel as much as I possibly can. Personally I cannot swim and am terrified of the ocean, but there is something about the beach, the relaxation, the views, it all just makes for beautiful scenery. Overall, I want to be able to say that when I look back on my life, I did not have any regrets and enjoyed myself with the people I love. 


With Technology being the embodiment of our future, I can imagine our future including advancements such as humanoid robots, androids, and artificial intelligence making a huge push for the dominant technology. Engineers will be at the forefront of this technological shift as they’re contributions will be a necessity. Problems solved by engineers will be done so through things like partnership and assistance and innovation as they will be the brightest engineers of the time. 




Joe Jorge
